0-18 Months of Age

Welcome to Brenton's Life

Playing With Toys

Merry Christmas!

Number One

I was born on July 17th, 1993 in Waverly, Iowa to Michael C. Hahn and Bonnie Long Hahn. I was the first child and only boy in a soon to be family of five. I have 2 other sisters, one born 5 years after me, Katie and one born 10 years after me, Michaela.

Welcome to Brandons Life

Eating and getting my bib dirty

Taking a photo with the ball of my future sport

Fixing the cart

 I was born in Fargo ND, on May 20th 1994. My parents are Jay and Michelle. I was the first born of three other kids in my family. I have two sisters and one brother. I was very active as a baby. In the first month of my life I went on a trip to Medora ND. Also I started walking without assitance when I was 9 months old, I skipped crawling according to my mom.

An infant will talk like this until about the age of one and a half years old. They are learning the sounds of the language and developing their native language

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